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NYC Tattoos

Some of the Best NYC-Themed Tattoos From Across the 5 Boroughs

Originally published on DNAinfo.

NEW YORK CITY — Do you love New York as much as the guy who has a tattoo of a kraken attacking the Staten Island Ferry? How about the man with the Domino Sugar Factory inked on his leg?

DNAinfo New York spent the summer traveling the boroughs looking for the best New York City-themed tattoos and came up with some amazing ones. We found a Unisphere, the Williamsburgh Savings Bank, manhole covers, and architectural drawings from the Brooklyn Bridge permanently etched on residents' bodies.

"New Yorkers are pretty staunch in their love of their city," said Mehai Bakaty, owner of the East Village's Fineline Tattoo, the oldest operating tattoo shop in Manhattan. "I'm born and raised here so I know that for a fact."

"I think it probably has something to do with that, that young person growing up, possibly going in the military, and wanting that reminder of their home," he added.

Read full story here.